Welcome....to uh....nowhere

Unfortunately, this site is not complete..so uh, whoops?

Here's a preview of the horror you will see ↓

My carrd

-Updated all social links except Mastodon
-New projects that could be done: (VRChat worlds)
-Creating designs for a new business (will not advertise here)
-Uncounted number since, may include 2 additional pieces of art and 4 or so comics, check the Tumblr here: Art Blog
-Finished Calculus 1
-Commission email is still in maintenance

To Do list:
-Work on art skills
-Create a business (besides what I'm already doing)
-Finish 3D model of self -Consider whether Mastodon is viable to add or not
-Update website
-Update Youtube account, again
-Update carrd link for work email
-Get the degree

G the stick figure is in the ground with a pink flower head dress beckoning the blue metal cat hero, Cathero...Cathero does not look pleased.

Anyways, that's all today. I'll keep some stuff around like projects I want to share for later.

Very shoddy version of Ace Terror Viola proof of concept: Objection file

One last thing, the file is what you use when you're on the Objection.lol. Make sure to go to case maker. -> Objection.lol

A picture to give you a more visual idea:

See ya next time, mates.